Montag, 25. Dezember 2006

X-mas and other catastrophes

Mood: depressed
Listening to: Monrose - Even heaven cries
Eating: nothing, but I'm hungry
Drinking: nothing
Weather: cold and dark (It's late already)

Well, what a christmas...I wish it would already be over...
It started quite good, I have to admit.
I mean, I wasn't in a christmas mood after all, but maybe that was because of the weather?

I'm celebrating christmas with my family every year. Normaly, my grandparents visit us and we have a nice evening together.
But this year the first change was that my aunt and her new husband (since friday!) and my cousin would come, too.
Okay, no problem, I like my aunt, her husband and Jenny, their daughter. She is my only older cousin (22), so there's no problem about finding things to talk about.

I was a bit sad, because I already knew what my presents were, because I ordered them by myself on amazon (House MD - The first Season in German and The Medical Science of House MD, a book written by Andrew Holtz). WEll, that was, what I thought...

I wrote some christmas sms to good freinds of mine and I got some back from most of them. (one didn't answer...that was a thing that really disappointed me, beaucse I'd never thought that she wouldn't answer...well not a problem of mine... Anymore!)

But I got a strange feeling the whole evening... I didn't wanted to be there with my parents, with my family...
Sounds strange, I know, but I wanted to be with my best friends, Sheerie, Adeline and Tine.
I'd never thought that I could miss some people so much that I've only met a few times.
I wrote some messages with them, and I heard that they shared my feeling...
So that was one reason why I was so sad this evening... I missed the most important persons in my life...
that was definetly the major reason for my mood, but not the only one.

The giving out of christmas presents was fun, that's true! I bought the right presents for my parents and grandparents and I got a lot more than I expected! Beside a lot of money (yeeaas!!!) I got of course the DVDs and the Book, but I also got the Book "Jekyll and Hide" and "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown, what I already read in german (It's called "Illuminati" here). Furthermore I got five blank-DVDs, new mats for my car (veeery funny) aaaaand for the best of all: a car radio! That wa sreally a spurise and I didn't know what to say! Now my only problem is how to assemble it into my car! *lol*

the evening went on, but with that feeling of beeing out of place the whole evening, I couldn't really enjoy it.
The final point when I just wanted to vanish somewhere was when they started talking about my grandaunt, which died last August.
After just a few minutes everybody was crying, yelling at each other and arguing because of too old storys that happened before I was even born...

I just wanted to be away from there, just wanted to be with my friends, in arms that hold me warm and tight, to feel safe again...
But nothing happened, exept for the fact that after twi hours(!) after starting that discussion, my grandparent left and the others calmed down a bit...

Well, really a great christmas party, we had... today was quite okay, I have to admit...but wait and see what happens tomorrow....
I hope your christmas was a lot better than mine...

Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2006

New Haircut

mood: horny (not really, but I love that icon!^^)
Listening to: nothing
drinking: Coke
eating: nothing
Weather: cold

I went to a hairdresser yesterday, because i needed a new haircut.
Actually I didn't really needed one, but I wanted to cut my hair, because there were still some were light highlights in it, that I wanted to get off.
Well, i won't say many words, here is the picture of my new haircut:

Dienstag, 12. Dezember 2006

Karaoke in Meerbusch

Mood: hyper
Listening to: Jesse Spencer - Sheets of Egyptian Cotton
Drinking: coke (as always)
Eating: nothing, I'm smoking! But I'm hungry!
Weather: dark and always!

Here are some Karaoke-Pic of last frieday, taken in Meerbusch!
There were very less people, so we had a lot of time to sing, and I think we managed to do a lot!
Let me think about it!
Steffie and I sang The Shoop Shoop Songy by Cher (again), Ich lebe - Christina Stürmer, Fuck her gently - tenacious D,
Sebi and Liam sang 500 Miles and Lemon Tree by Fools Garden!
Liam and I sang Jesse - Joshua Kadison and Father and Son - Ronan Keating
Sebi and Steffie tried 1000 mal berührt...
All together we tried to sing I'll be there for you - The Rembrants and You're the one that I want - Grease

And Steffie and I finally tried something that was more than just crazy!
We tried to sing a song all alone for the first time!
She sang Don't let me get me (pink) and I Hallelujah (John cale/Rufus Wainwright/etc)...
And what can I say? We're still alive!^^

But enough of writing, here are the pics!

Steffie und Sebi
Steffie and Sebi"Turning, turning, turning around...""It's in his hair, ehm, kiss!""Su bist der Rausch...und ich will noch mehr ALKOHOL!!!""You don't always have to fuck her hard, in fact sometimes that's not right to do...!""I'll be there for you...!""...and you'll be there for me, too!""1000 mal berührt...!" Ja danke, das wollten wir nicht wissen! >.< "Touched a thousand times...!" Thank you, things we didn't want to know! >.<
"What???""Met a boy, cute as can be...!""Sommer loving happens so faaaaaaaaaaaast...!""Was willst du? Stör mich nicht!"
"What do you want? Don't disturb me!"Der graphische Beweis: ich stand allein auf der Bühne... (die Audioaufnahme wird hoffentlich bald auch folgen!)
Here is the proof as a Picture: I was standing there alone on the stage... (i hope the Audiorecord will follow soon!)
Das war der Punkt an dem ich gedacht habe, meine Beine tragen mich nicht mehr!
That was the moment when I thought that my knees won't go on carrying me...

Ich werde jedenfalls jetzt noch kräftig üben um meinen Gesang zu verbessern, der Applaus am Freitag hat mir gezeigt, dass ich doch nicht so übel bin!
Und wer weiß, vielleicht traue ich mich ja auch mal im Pub ganz alleine zu singen...?

I think I'll go on and train my siniging from now on to make it a lot better, the applause on that frieday showed that I can't be that bad! And who knows, maybe I even try to sing all alone in the Pub, once...?

Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2006

5Th anniversay

Mood: amused
Listening to: John Cale - hallelujah
Weather: still don't know
Drinking: tea
Eating: nothing, but smoking a cigarette

Zuerst ein Paar Bilder von der Ausstattung! *g* First some Pictures from Inside the Pub:

Im Pub fühlen sich auch Borussen-fans zuhause:
Here do Borussia-Fans feel like home, too:
Wer zur Hölle bestellt sowas in einem Irish Pub???
Who da hell orders such stuff in an Irish Pub???
Rauchen ist immer noch erlaubt!^^
Smoking is still possible in here!^^Das Logo zum geburtstag:
The logo for the anniversary:Do you like Guinness? (nee, ich nicht...)
Do you like Guinness? (no, I don't do...)What time is it?

Group pictures

Steffie und ich!
Steffie and me!Liam und Steffie
Liam and SteffieSebi und ich
Sebi and meSebi und Steffie^^
Sebi and Steffie!^^
Ich und Vroni
Me and Vroni
Nochmal Sebi und ich! *g*
Sebi and me, again! *g*



Sebi in Denkerpose!^^
Sebi is thinking!^^

Nochmal Ich! (ich seh blass aus, oder?)
me again! (I look pale, don't I?)

Die Besetzung!
The Staff!

Gruppenbild mit Kenny, Vince und Tom
Group Picture of Kenny, Vince and Tom
Vroni ist am Grinsen *g*
Vroni giggling! *g* Kenny macht wieder nur Schwachsinn!^^
Kenny is doing crap as always! ^^Hab ich's nicht gesagt?
What did I say?
Vince posiert auch mal für die Kamera
Vince is posing for the camera, tooKein kommentar!
No comment!

Wie man sehen kann, war es ein wirklich lustiger Abend den wir sehr genossen haben!^^
As you can see, it was a very funny evening and we really enjoyed it!^^

Pictures of the last two Thursdays

Mood: cheerful
Listening to: Rick Springfield - Jesse's Girl
Weather: don't really's dark anyway
Eating: Joghurt
Drinking: Tea

Hier sind die Bilder, zuerst die vom 30. November, Karaoke im Pógs, wie immer:
Here are the pictures, first of November the 30th, Karaoke at the Pógs, as always:

Steffie und ich...was haben wir nochmal gesungen? Keine Ahnung...aber bitte besonderes Augenmerk auf meine Krawatte, die ist cool, ja?^^

Steffie and me...what were we singing? No idea...but please notice my tie, that's pretty cool!^^

Ich singe mit Eugen (links) und Wilson "Wonderwall"!
Singing "Wonderwall with Eugen (left) and Wilson!

Und jetzt die BIlder von letztem Donnerstag:
And now the pictures of last thursday:

Steffie und ich singen "daylight in your eyes" udn versuchen einen kleinen Tanz *g*
Steffie and I singing "Daylight in your eyes" and we tried a little dance! *g*Fans hatten wir auch! ^^
We had some Fans, too ^^Wir haben uns dann gerächt, als Sebi und Liam "500 Miles" gesungen haben! *hehe*
Our revenge was when Liam and Sebi sang "500 miles"! *hehe*

Ein kleines Tänzchen mit Luke!^^
Having a little dance with Luke!^^
Wir singen mit Wilson, Liam und Sebi "You're the one that i want" aus Grease! hier mal unsere schmucken Kerle! *g*
We are singing "You're the one that I want" from Grease with Wilson, Liam and Sebi! First our cute guys! *g*Und alle zusammen, von links nach rechts: Steffie, ich, Wilson, Liam (ws macht er da??) und Sebi
And here we are all together, from left to right: Steffie, myself, Wilson, Liam (What the heck is he doing there??) and Sebi